The Grey-Bruce FOOT CLINIC…
in step with your foot health!

Learn more


Please be advised that GreyBruce FOOT CLINIC will no longer be accepting new patients. After almost 28 years of providing chiropody services, I will be retiring from my practice on May 30, 2025 and the clinic will be closing. Thank you for the privilege of being your chiropodist and a part of your health care team over the years. I wish you all the best and healthy steps forward!

Kelly Martin, D.Ch. Registered Chiropodist
570 1st Street Hanover, ON N4N 3X5
Tel: 519-506-3500

Welcome to The Grey-Bruce FOOT CLINIC

The Grey-Bruce FOOT CLINIC has been serving Hanover and the surrounding area for the past 18 years with professional and caring chiropody-foot care services. Foot pain is not normal. Our feet grow and change with us over time. Most of us are born with painless feet and by age 65, almost 85%-95% have at least one or more foot problem. Many foot problems can be treated and returned to pain free functioning feet at The Grey-Bruce FOOT CLINIC.

Hanover Foot care includes orthotics, feet and heel pain


The Grey-Bruce FOOT CLINIC is affiliated with Saugeen Physiotherapy & Allied Health Centre. We are part of a team oriented facility ready to provide you with the best possible foot care in Grey-Bruce.

Office Hours

Tuesday: 8:00-5:00 pm
Wednesday: 8:00-5:00 pm
Thursday: 8:00-5:00 pm
Friday: 8:00-5:00 pm

To Make An Appointment

Appointments for your foot care in Hanover
can be made by contacting The Grey-Bruce FOOT CLINIC at
